Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission, supporting international innovative projects led by R&D-performing SMEs. Co-funded from national budgets and the European Union through Horizon 2020, it has a total public budget of €1.14 billion. Eurostars, the FFG and the DLR were essential supporting partners for the ASPECT project.
A valuable partner when considering any low-temperature set-up, LTS has extensive expertise in all things cryogenic. Successful projects include low-temperature, x-ray spectrometers, dry dilution fridges, ADRs and single shot He3 stages. For the design of low-temperature machines LT-Solutions is an essential partner.
With a highly advanced machine-park and a talented pool of engineers, Payr has been involved in prototyping ideas and serialising them into products for years. With nearly twenty years of company history and several locations in Germany and Austria, Payr is a solid engineering and production partner.
Cryogenic particle detectors are making important contributions to a wide range of astrophysics experiments. Not limited to the search for dark matter, the observation of the cosmic microwave background and x-ray astronomy, the detectors have great potential to open up attractive application possibilities in atomic and nuclear physics.
This highly innovative company offers everything that you would expect from a single-source supplier to the wide field of gas technology. Involved in the arena of gas-based systems-engineering, CeH4 is uniquely placed for success in the energy market in Germany. Customers include major energy suppliers and network operators, as well as municipal and public utility companies.
The Stefan Meyer Institute is devoted to basic research in the field of subatomic physics. Its particular strengths lie in Precision Experiments, Hadron Physics, and Advanced Instrumentation, developing the detectors and cryogenic and UHV systems needed to perform the experiments.
With a team of creative and highly skilled technical artists, Industrial Art Studio can work with any type of information, CAD data, engineering drawings, photography, sketches, to deliver the very best 3D illustrations, engineering visualisations and animations. IAS produces cutting edge visuals and technical graphics for your industry, embracing both traditional and digital mediums.
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